The best place to farm gold is...anywhere that other people aren't! Of course that's not entirely accurate, as there are certain places that just aren't good farming spots no matter what. But in TBC there are so many great places to farm for gold, that often the deciding factor is how many other people are there.
The more people farming a particular mob, the fewer of them that are available for you to kill. Of course the amount that this will cut into your hourly rate depends largely on how many of the mobs there are to start with, the speed with which you can kill them, and how many other people are competing with you. The ratio between available mobs and people killing them tells the story, and you want it to be as low as possible.
If the area you were planning to farm is busy, there are a couple of choices. If you're dead set on farming that location, you'll have to try another time. Generally the best time to get a spot to yourself is early morning or late at night. Late at night is harder, probably because people tend to stay up all night playing. Weekends during the morning or midday are the best of all, since people will stay up later than usual on weekend nights and therefore sleep in later.
You can of course find something else to farm rather than changing your play time. It'd be great to give you a list of places that are the least populated. In reality though, this varies by server, and even by day or week. Sometimes the places that are supposedly packed all the time are quite empty on a particular server. Other times, what's supposed to be a great place ends up being filled with grinders.
The best bet is to not limit yourself to just one or two locations. Get together a list of the top 10 or 15 gold farming spots and then try them all out. Try to keep track of the days and times that certain of them are good or bad. Don't show up once and make a decision. If there are lots of people, try it on a different day, or at a different time of day. Likewise, if you show up the first time and it's completely deserted, don't necessarily assume that it will always be that way.
The bottom line is that you want to be farming gold wherever other people aren't - so seek out the places where you can work in isolation and it will pay back major dividends.
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